Early Stage Problem Discovery
Discover the right problems to solve for the right market from 0 to unlocking problem-market fit.

Who is this for?
Here are what you will achieve out of this program
✅ You will zero-in on a beachhead market.
✅ You will have clarity of the transformation journey your niche towards the future state.
✅ You will learn how to choose the problem to solve that has critical attributes.
✅ You will validate which problems has the highest potential that you can choose to solve.
✅ You will learn the secret to solving the problems that create differentiation.
✅ You will create evidence enough to raise a pre-seed round.
Learn and build concurrently
The best way to learn is to do it. Together. Here are what you will achieve.
Niche-down a beachhead market
Market fit starts with defining the market. Learn how to monopolize a market by zeroing-in a market segment.
Identify stakeholders in the market
Learn how to identify, map and connect stakeholders that will give a clear picture who's involved or impacted in the market.
Personify stakeholders into personas
Most people fail at building personas. Learn the secret of personify your user or customer profiles that are useful and make a difference.
Define niche transformation
Learn how to systemically create a transformation journey for the market segment. This is where the magic happens.
Recruit research participants
Learn to spot what type of people to recruit, and how to manage the process of recruiting research participants.
Interview research participants
Learn how to interview your personas at speed and scale without the cumbersome research preparation.
Synthesize research data into insights
Make sense of research data into insights that will pinpoint to you which problem you should solve.